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Haiti - FLASH : Pierre Espérance receives a threat letter with a bullet
29/12/2016 09:39:29

Haiti - FLASH : Pierre Espérance receives a threat letter with a bullet
Wednesday, Pierre Espérance, Executive Director of the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights (RNDDH), received with his name, an envelope delivered by the Post Office to the local of RNDDH, containing a threat letter accompanied by a bullet. In this letter, he was accused of "preventing the real results from being published"

In a letter addressed to Me Danton Léger, the Commissioner of the Government of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Port-au-Prince, Pierre Espérance explains :

"[...] For some time, of messages intolerant vis-à-vis the organization of which he is the Executive Director, circulate on the social networks. These messages were never taken seriously by the RNDDH [...] However, today, Pierre Espérance feels it his duty to inform you that on December 28, 2016, a stamped envelope addressed, was delivered by the Post Office to the RNDDH office, at # 9 Rue Rivière. It contains a bullet and a letter dated 6 December 2016, in which the Executive Director of the RNDDH is accused of 'preventing the real results from being published'.

The Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ) was informed of the receipt of this correspondence and the bullet attached to it was given to it for ballistic analysis.

[...] Pierre Espérance draws your attention to the fact that these messages arrive at a time when, through national media, Parliamentarians openly incite the Haitian people to violence and treat the RNDDH as a terrorist organization.

[...] Moreover, it is not the first time that the Executive Director of RNDDH receives a document of this kind. Indeed, on 2 April 2014, Pierre Espérance had received a letter of threats to which was also annexed a bullet.

A letter of complaint had been filed with the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince on 9 April 2014. However,there appears to have been no judicial action in this file.

[...] The exhibitor therefore requests to you, Honorable Magistrate, to put the public action in motion against the authors and co-authors of these documents for threats written anonymously, punishable by articles 251 and following of the Penal Code [...]"

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