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Haiti - Tourism : 16th Edition of the Fair eco-tourism and production
04/10/2012 11:07:03

Haiti - Tourism : 16th Edition of the Fair eco-tourism and production
Ciencia y Arte Foundation, Sant Pon Ayiti and the Foundation for the Development of Alternative Tourism in Haiti (FONDTAH) in cooperation with the "Komite pou Devlopman Lokal" KDL) and the City of Savanette announce the holding of the 16th Edition of the Fair eco-tourism and production which will take place from October 18 to 28, 2012, in San Juan de la Maguana Dominican Republic.

This event touristic and cultural, which engages both the Departments of West, Central and Artibonite of Haiti and the Provinces of Elias Piña, San Juan de la Maguana and Barahona of the Dominican Republic, will be held under the theme: "For a municipality eco touristic-cultural".

According to Jean Camille Bissereth, the General Coordinator of the FONDTAH the fair binational eco-tourism and production aims to contribute to the development of the Haitian-Dominican border region. It also promotes the natural and cultural wealth of these regions and highlights their potential for development "The fair is a binational activity whose the erection and construction are the responsibility of both states. It involves a joint effort to mobilize communities on both sides of the border," said Bissereth, which states that the fair will highlight the infrastructure needs of the regions concerned in the foreground.

The binational fair pursues the objective to create a climate of friendship and solidarity between the two peoples as well as of creativity and productive and the taking of joint initiatives. It contributes to that by improving mutual understanding and facilitate awareness of their common responsibilities regarding the protection of the environment of the island, of their common interests to increase and make more harmonious the ommercial exchanges, assign capital, technology, of institutions and their respective cultural heritage for the realization of development projects.

This fair will take place in preparation for the 5th Edition of the "fair binational ecotourism and production" to be held in Haiti to Savanette from 23 November to 8 December 2013. The theme chosen concerns the construction of a road eco-touristic binational whose entrance is San Juan de la Maguana and arrival is Savanette, serving as a point of intersection to discover the treasures of the Central Plateau and Artibonite, which houses many natural points, whose beauty could attract followers of ecological tourism of both countries and overseas countries

The Municipality of Savanette was the Guest of Honour at the 15th fair eco-tourism and production held to Hondo Valle (Dominican Republic) from 3 to 18 December 2011 under the theme "For a municipality agro-eco-tourism."

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