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Haiti - Agriculture : Towards a national policy of funding and agricultural insurance in 2014...
31/12/2013 10:59:46

Haiti - Agriculture : Towards a national policy of funding and agricultural insurance in 2014...
Recall that as Recall that part of the launch of the Triennial Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme (2013-2016) Thomas Jacques, Minister of Agriculture declared last March in the preamble of this program "The agricultural sector is currently facing considerable challenges. The most crucial is to achieve to meet the food growing demand of the population, from domestic production, all this in an environmental context strongly degraded paired with a very fragmented agrarian structure. However, it is imperative that, in the coming years, Haitian agriculture can necessarily produce and sell more to ensure decent incomes for our assets.

This is a heavy challenge to meet by overcoming the multifaceted constraints that limit the development of promising productive sectors, by providing innovative solutions not only from the relevant interventions prioritized, but also and especially by the way they are initiated and pursued.

In this desire to do otherwise, to change the paradigm, it seems fitting that the revitalization of the agricultural sector passes through the promotion and development of a strong public-private partnership where the State takes over the investments and strategic arrangements for the establishment of a favorable environment for private investment. While it is essential that the State invest more in the agricultural sector, it is equally vital to attract private capital. To boost the global development and reverse the impoverishment of the countryside, the best option is and remains: investing in agriculture and the rural world."

The Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme, which aims to modernize the sector, better able to meet the challenges and lay a new foundation for a viable and sustainable Haitian society, relies on 4 subprograms organized around 4 main areas of intervention :

  • Institutional strengthening, including support to the agricultural sector governance;
  • Development of channels of food security ;
  • The provision of public agricultural services to entrepreneurs in the sector;
  • The development of rural infrastructure and watershed management.

Note that the cost of the Sub-Programme for Institutional Strengthening and Governance of the Agricultural Sector (PRIGSA) is estimated at 3 billion 745 million gourdes.

As part of this three-year plan, the Ministry of Agriculture, is committed for 2014 among other to :

  • Restructuring the Ministry of Agriculture;
  • The Establishment of a Policy of Research Training and Vulgarization ;
  • The implementation of a policy of market regulation of agricultural services and agricultural inputs ;
  • The implantation of a national policy of funding and agricultural insurance.

Download the triennial Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme (2013-2016) :

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