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Haiti - Reconstruction : $40M for the rehabilitation of informal neighborhoods
04/07/2014 10:56:49

 Haiti - Reconstruction : $40M for the rehabilitation of informal neighborhoods
Thursday, Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, in the presence of Harry Adam, Executive Director of the Unit for Housing Construction and Public Buildings (UCLBP), the Ambassador of France, Patrick Nicoloso and Nicole Fisher responsible for project to the European Union (EU), participated in the presentation ceremony of the rehabilitation program of informal neighborhoods of Martissant and Baillergeau organized by UCLBP.

The Head of Government welcomed the cooperation with the EU and France, which led to the realization of thisIntegrated development program of informal neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince (AIQIP), while stressing the importance given by the Government to urban renewal and improvement of people's lives.

This program which extends over 18 months was co-financed by the European Union and France, up to 30 million Euros (± 40 million), and will serve as a model for programs to be implemented in the country. The Prime Minister assured the UCLBP all the support the Government in implementing this innovative program.

Should mbe noted that the Knowledge and Freedom Foundation (FOKAL) and the Group for Research and Technological Exchange Group (GRET), are the main operators of implementing this program, the UCLBP, ensures the project management. FOKAL intervenes in Martissant and GRET works at Baillergeau.

Prime Minister Lamothe recalled that the work that is being carried out in 17 neighborhoods of the metropolitan area, under the project 16/6, must meet a major challenge, which is to show that the reconstruction can be sustainable and that the Government can sustainably improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable populations of informal neighborhoods.

Recalling that these works are a high priority of the Government Martelly, which made of the preferential option for the poor a major objective, the Prime Minister appealed to the unity of all sectors of national life, in order that Haiti is an emerging country by 2030.

HL/ S/ HaitiLibre

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