Haiti - Economy : Result of the contest «The Ten Outstanding Young Person 2014» - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Economy : Result of the contest «The Ten Outstanding Young Person 2014»
29/11/2014 08:54:59

Haiti - Economy : Result of the contest «The Ten Outstanding Young Person 2014»
As part of the 4th edition of Contest «The Ten Outstanding Young Person 2014» launched last August https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-11943-haiti-social-launch-of-the-competition-the-ten-outstanding-young-persons.html by the young Chamber International (JCI-Haiti) throughout the country, with the support of the Embassy of Canada and its partners after a long process, has short-listed in a first step 28 candidates out of hundreds of applicants with a record of outstanding achievement https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-12388-haiti-economy-28-finalists-of-the-ten-outstanding-young-person-competition.html

After having interviewed the 28 shortlisted candidates and verified all the information provided, it is with pleasure that the Committee TOYP (The Ten Outstanding Young Person) of the JCI-Haiti, released the final list of 10 most outstanding young Haitians 2014, excelling in their areas of intervention and create positive change in the country. These 10 young people were selected by a jury composed of Hervé Denis, former President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Haiti (CHIC), Dr. Marjorie Joseph, Director of Uramel and Yves Bernard Remarais, President of the JCI Haiti.

List of 10 the most outstanding young Haitians 2014 :
Anne Martine Augustin (Leadership and / or academic achievement) ;
Chenet Caty (Humanitarian Leadership and / or Voluntary) ;
Daniel Tilias (Contribution to children's rights, world peace and / or human rights) ;
Djenika Mars (Moral and / or environmental leadership) ;
Elie Joseph (Medical Innovation) ;
Haveson Badine Florvil (Personal development and / or personal achievement) ;
Iléus Papillon (Cultural achievement) ;
Jasmin Reginald Cherenfant (Scientific development and / or technological) ;
Lonick Garius (Achievements in term of Affairs Economics and / or business) ;
Samanda Leroy (Political Affairs legal, and / or governmental).

The Junior Chamber International Haiti (JCI Haiti) renews its warmest congratulations to the many applicants who submit their records noting "there is no doubt that they are very numerous in the country, these outstanding young Haitians that influence positively each community in various fields," adding that JCI will present at a ceremony, the adward to the 10 winners, Friday, December 5, 2014, at 7:00 pm at the Canadian Embassy, located on Delmas road.

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