Haiti - Elections : President Martelly wants elections in May - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Elections : President Martelly wants elections in May
26/01/2015 08:49:13

Haiti - Elections : President Martelly wants elections in May
Friday evening, at the first press conference of the delegation of 15 members of the Security Council, which began its mission of three days in Haiti, Chile's Ambassador Cristian Barros Melet who co-chairs with Samantha Power, Ambassador of the United States, the delegation, speaking about the institutional crisis has called on political actors to cooperate in order to make possible quickly credible and transparent elections in accordance with the Haitian Constitution https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13021-haiti-politic-the-un-security-council-began-its-mission-in-haiti.html

President Martelly indicated "For me it would be better to have elections no later than May, to avoid the institutional vacuum, lasts too long. Presidents may want to manage by decree but that's not my case [...] ", adding "According to some experts [...] we should wait at least 5-6 months to have the elections, which brings us to July-August. When we think to two rounds, each time, we must wait for the results, challenges, that brings us to October. So I feel that at this point, those proposing elections in six months are talking about one turn.

For us, it would be important if we could at least have a first round for the legislative by May."

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