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Haiti - Politic : Towards a new social protection policy
30/05/2015 12:24:18

Haiti - Politic : Towards a new social protection policy
The international conference, launched by the Haitian Government and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), which ended Friday at the Hotel Montana, around the theme "Social Protection in Haiti, towards the development of a new policy ?" was intended to strengthen and expand social protection programs, by boosting their impact on the lives of the population. The implementation of this new public policy will take into account of construction projects of social housing, a better protection of civil rights and cultural policies, the strengthening of the health system and the Free Education Program, Universal and Compulsory (PSUGO).

The private, public sector, civil society, international experts and the international community discussed the need for a new inclusive social policy, consistently taking into account the realities of life of the Haitian people in all its complexity. This social policy will have to meet the challenges of poverty, inequality, social exclusion.

The Prime Minister, Evans Paul, who took part in this Conference, congratulated his government team for its commitment to social protection one of the main priorities and reaffirmed the determination of the Administration Martelly to work for the protection of the most vulnerable against social exclusion, extreme poverty, food insecurity, natural hazards "It is imperative to elaborate a rational policy on social protection. We have good reason to rethink our social policy. Social protection is a national issue. Our citizens should feel protected. We have today adopted social inclusion as the axis of our public policies. Social protection is the central theme of the electoral campaign. Social protection is a State duty, a responsibility of the rulers and privileged citizens."

Victor Benoit, the Minister of Social Affairs welcomed the holding of this event that will lay the foundations for a new social policy that will touches people without income and the working classes "The implementation of this policy social is capital and it must express the being Haitian in its authentic solidarity splendor while supporting existing social programs so they meet an overall vision." Recall that in early May the Minister had indicated that the development of national social protection plan will include a first axis that consists in see social protection as a sort of social security and a second that sees social protection in terms of social assistance stating that "This second measure will certainly have, a positive impact on the economy, but will not allow in the long term to get out the country from extreme poverty."

Florence Duperval Guillaume, the Minister of Health called for a social policy with a focus on access to quality health care "Health is a very important and an essential prerequisite to any other property. There can be no social justice without an inclusive access for all to health. We must act now for inclusive and egalitarian health care system."

Lais Abramo, Director of the Division of the Social Department of ECLAC , insisted for a social protection policy based on human rights, while giving assurance that ECLAC will continue to support Haiti in its efforts to developing its new social policy by considering the multiple experiences in Latin America and in other regions of the world.

For her part, Sophie de Caen, Director of UNDP, promoted the good balance to be achieved between the policies of stimulation of positive economic growth, of promotion of employment in order to reduce poverty, and the development and strengthening of the social protection system to protect people remained poor despite the growth "without economic growth, it is impossible to keep the minimum of social protection. And without social protection, the most vulnerable people can not get out of extreme poverty."

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