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Haiti - Elections : Candidates of replacement
25/10/2010 14:48:33

Haiti - Elections : Candidates of replacement
Gaillot Dorsinvil, the president of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) informed that pursuant to Article 91.2 of the Electoral Law, parties, groups and regroupings of political parties were invited to the replacement of their candidates died or having a mental incapacity.

Thus, after analysis of the submitted files, 2 new candidates for the Senate and 9 new candidates for deputation (deputy) were approved and authorized to conduct campaign. The CEP reiterates its engagement to organize free , democratic, transparent and inclusive elections.

Senate candidates :
CHRYSOSTOME Michel - (Artibonite) - INITE
LAGUERRE Lochard - (Centre) - INITE

Deputations candidates :
GERMAIN Wisner - L’Estère (Artibonite - SOLIDARITE
SAINT-FLEUR Elysée - Cap-haitien (Nord) - LAVNI
PRINCILMA Alfred - Pignon (Nord) - ANSANM NOU FO
DERIUS Dérisma - Pilate (Nord) - VEYE YO
PERMISSION Erauld - Cornillon(Ouest) - SOLIDARITE
FLOREAL Marie Jessie - Pétion-ville (Ouest) - PDI
PIERRE Rood - Petit-Goave (Ouest) - RESPE
LOCHARD Jean René - Port-au-Prince, Est (2 ème ) (Ouest) - KONBIT
PIERRE CADET Gérald - Port-au-Prince, Sud (3 ème) (Ouest) - AAA

Article 91.2
The political party, political grouping or regrouping of political parties, whose candidate dies or is struck of mental incapacity duly observed or reported, is entitled to a new candidate for the seat to be filled within a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days before polling day to nominate a candidate by decvlaration to the BEC or BED. If the ballot is already prepared, voters vote for candidates already registered.

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