Haiti - Politics : UN adopts new strategy against cholera in Haiti 18/12/2016 08:53:54 In a resolution adopted without a vote, the General Assembly expresses its concern that the epidemic has so far affected nearly 800,000 people and caused more than 9,000 deaths. In particular, it notes with deep concern the increase in the number of cases of cholera and other diarrheal diseases following the passage of Hurricane Matthew, which hit Haiti on 4 October 2016, and the continuing vulnerability of Haitians resulting. The General Assembly expresses its appreciation for the considerable efforts made since 2010 at the national, regional and international levels to combat cholera in Haiti and is aware of the fact that, despite significant progress in the fight against cholera, the country still faces major difficulties. In the resolution adopted, the General Assembly is "firmly resolved to deal with this emergency situation which has lasted too long, in an efficient and coordinated manner". It considers that the United Nations "acknowledged the United Nations role in the cholera outbreak and its moral responsibility to assist the victims of the cholera epidemic and it has to help Haiti recover from the epidemic and build strong water systems, sanitation and health-care facilities." Accordingly, the General Assembly "calls upon all Member States, United Nations agencies and other international governmental and non-governmental partners to fully support the Secretary-General's new strategy for combating cholera in Haiti, in particular to redouble efforts to combat and eradicate cholera and to alleviate the suffering of the victims, in particular by providing material assistance and support to the populations and Haitians most affected by cholera." During the presentation of the new strategy on December 1 before United Nations Member States, Ban Ki-moon had apologized to the Haitian people, expressing his deep regret for the suffering caused by the cholera epidemic. He suggested the way forward through a plan that included immediate action to stop the epidemic and provide long-term support to those affected. At a cost of about $ 400 million over the next two years, the package proposed by the United Nations is centered on two components. The first is a much strengthened and better funded effort to address and reduce the incidence of cholera, while addressing short- and long-term water, sanitation and health system and improving access to care and treatment. The second component of the new strategy is to develop a program of material assistance and support to Haitians most directly affected by cholera. This should include consultation with affected individuals and communities in the development of this program. See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-19496-haiti-health-eliminating-cholera-in-haiti-a-matter-of-money.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-18970-haiti-health-un-creates-a-fund-to-fight-against-cholera-in-haiti.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-19030-haiti-cholera-new-un-approach.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-18970-haiti-health-un-creates-a-fund-to-fight-against-cholera-in-haiti.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-18778-haiti-health-alarming-evolution-of-cholera-in-the-country-2016.html HL/ HaitiLibre
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