Haiti - Elections : Quiet situation, very few voters in the metropolitan area - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Elections : Quiet situation, very few voters in the metropolitan area
29/01/2017 09:49:22

Haiti - Elections : Quiet situation, very few voters in the metropolitan area
Members of a voting center refuse to work
We are told that the largest voting center in the South is completely paralyzed. The members of the bureau say that they did not receive their salary and that they will not work until they are paid.

Lack of representatives and observers in the metropolitan area
The situation is calm in the department of the West reports the Minustah, where the blue helmets support the PNH. The streets are quiet, the traffic is fluid in several neighborhoods of the capital and the population quietly goes about his business. At Frères the situation is normal in the Voting Centre Methodist of Frères, but there is a lack of representatives of the political parties. Moreover, there is also a lack of representatives and international observers in the majority of the Voting Centre in the metropolitan area, where it is also observed that the voters have not yet responded to the call, perhaps the affluence will be greater after mass...

Only 20 voters voted
At the Voting Cenre of the ONA (9 polling stations - Delmas 17) there are few voters. At the Voting Center la Pléiade (7 polling stations), a few members have already voted and about twenty voters according to the main supervisor of this Centre.

Lack of voters everywhere
In Mirebalais at the level of the Voting Centre EFACAP, the vote takes place in calm and discipline but little attendance.

In Ouanaminthe, the voting operations are normal but voters are scarce...

In Gonaives, the same situation where there is a lack of affluence in the voting centers. At the Eben Ezer Voting Center (7 polling stations) the members of these offices watch television to pass the time...

In Jérémie, the 22 Voting Centres are in operation but for the moment few voters have made the displacement to fulfill their civic duty...

OAS call to vote
The Head of the OAS Electoral Mission, Juan Raul Ferreira, invites Haitians to vote in large numbers "I am at the Lycee Marie Jeanne in Port-au-Prince, to observe the voting process for the local and legislative elections in Haiti. This vote is very important because it completes the Haitian electoral process to renew all elective seats. This will be the beginning of a new stage for Haiti. I encourage all Haitians to vote in large numbers. Thank you and good vote."

Lack of awareness
Jocelyne Colas Noël, National Director of the Episcopal Commission Justice and Peace said that there was a general lack of awareness of the population for the elections of January 29, stressing that local government elections are important for the development of country.

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