Haiti - Agriculture : Follow-up visit of Southeast fishermen - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Agriculture : Follow-up visit of Southeast fishermen
25/06/2017 09:18:47

Haiti - Agriculture : Follow-up visit of Southeast fishermen
As part of the follow-up of the project to strengthen the marine fisheries financed by the Spanish Cooperation and implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Minister Carmel André Béliard, accompanied by the Spanish Ambassador accredited to Haiti, Manuel Lorenzo, of the Coordinator of Spanish Cooperation, Carmen Rodriguez Arce and several senior officials of the Ministry of Agriculture visited the Southeast Fishermen's Associations to inquire about the situation of these professionals. He said he was satisfied with the project's progress and activities carried out so far.

Recall that this project has contributed to the training of fishermen, the promotion of entrepreneurial opportunities and the modernization of the sector. In addition, essential materials and conditioning and conservation centers have been made available to fishermen. In addition, 16 Fish Container Devices (FADs) were installed, 80 boats distributed and over 300 fishermen trained since the start of the project after the passage of Hurricane Matthew.

The fishermen did not hide their satisfaction with such a project "At the moment we are real fishermen," said Claude Mustapha, President of the Southeast Fishermen's Federation.

The wish of these fisheries professionals is to meet other fishermen from the region in order to exchange their experiences.

Following these various achievements and interventions, the Ministry of Agriculture intends to make profitable the fisheries sector, one of the priority sectors of the road map of Minister Béliard, in order to increase the income of the fishermen and ensure the food security for families.

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