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Haiti - Technology : Natcom, 2017 fastest mobile network in the country
11/09/2017 10:05:08

Haiti - Technology : Natcom, 2017 fastest mobile network in the country
As part of its 6th anniversary of existence (11 September 2017) the National Telecommunications SA. (Natcom) is proud to announce that the company has won the "The Speedest Award" of the fastest mobile network in Haiti in 2017 with a speed score of 9.64, with average speeds of 10.51 Mbps for downloads and 4.24 Mbps for additions.

This speed is calculated from the results of the world leader of tests and analyzes on Internet Ookla through its Internet analysis tool "speedtest". The speed score includes a measure of download and addition to classify the performance of the network speed (90% of the score is attributed to the download speed and the remaining 10% to the upload speed).

Download and upload speeds are calculated using a modified "trimean". Ookla takes speeds of the 10th percentile, 50th percentile (also known as median) and 90th percentile and combines them on a weighted average using 1: 2: 1 reactively. The emphasis is put on the median because this is what most of the network provider's clients will experience on a day-to-day basis.

"This award is an honor," said Duong Ha The, Natcom's Chief Executive Officer. "By receiving this award, the company confirms one of its slogans 'Nou se data'"

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