Haiti - CALL FOR TENDERS : Construction of the public square of Bon Repos - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - CALL FOR TENDERS : Construction of the public square of Bon Repos
24/05/2018 09:32:55

Haiti - CALL FOR TENDERS : Construction of the public square of Bon Repos
As part of the implementation of the budget for fiscal year 2017-2018, the Municipal Council of Croix-des-Bouquets is launching a call for tenders in order to recruit a construction firm or a contractor for the execution of construction of Bon Repos public square, which will be located on the national road # 1, on the corner of Bon Repos and Lilavois, opposite the police sub-station.

Conditions :
The tenderer must be in good standing with the tax authorities and must submit the following documents:

- Tax ID card
- Tax clearance
- Patent
- Tax registration card
- National ID card
- Certificate of recognition from the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Haiti
- Minutes of the last General Assembly (if it is a collective enterprise)
- Justification of experiences in the field

For more information, interested parties can go to the service of the Local Technical Agency (ATL) of the Town Hall, located in the center of the Croix-des-Bouquets, public square Beauvais.

The construction of the public square of Bon Repos, will bring to 34 the number of projects already realized in less than two years by the current Municipal Council directed by the Mayor Rony Colin, let us quote among others: the construction of more than 2 km of roads street Abraham Lincoln and Saint Jean; the renovation of Square Beauvais; the rehabilitation of the City Hall; construction of the Fire and Rescue Center; the implementation of a drinking water supply system and the construction of a water reservoir in Canaan 5; the renovation of the cemeteries of Croix-des-Bouquets, Marin and Bon Repos; the construction of the Community Resource Center; the construction of several scuppers at Lilavois 6, Lasserre and Marin; the construction of several roads in Canaan and Corail-Cesselesse and the construction of a public school in Canaan 3.

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