
Haiti - FLASH : New Message from Martine Moïse (first photo) 15/07/2021 05:24:10
The First Lady of Haiti, Martine Moïse, seriously injured during the assassination of her husband, the President Jovenel Moïse, on July 7, 2021 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34162-haiti-flash-president-jovenel-moise-assassinated-by-mercenaries-official-updated-7am-+-video.html is gradually recovering from his surgery of July 10, which went well https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-34209-icihaiti-flash-martine-moise-s-surgery-went-well.html and gives us some news with the first photo on her hospital bed :
Message from the First Lady Martine Moïse :
"Thank you to all the people who help me, pray for I find life. Because all the time you're in the hospital your life is in the hands of God and the doctors. Me, Martine Moïse, I do not yet believe that my husband left like that, in front of my eyes without saying a last word to me, this pain will never pass.
Thank you for the team of guardian angels who helped me through this terrible time. With your gentle touch, kindness and care, I was able to hold on. Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you !"

First audio message from the First Lady : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34201-haiti-flash-authenticated-message-from-the-first-lady-martine-moise-audio.html
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre