Haiti - FLASH : Arms trafficking, the Minister of Justice dismisses the Commissioner of the Government of Port-de-Paix 10/07/2022 09:05:00
Friday, July 8, 2022, Berto Dorcé, the Minister of Justice dismissed for serious administrative faults, Me Michelet Virgile, Government Commissioner at the Court of First Instance of Port-de-Paix, for having ordered in a case of trafficking of weapons, the release of Fritz Jean Relus in charge of receiving the goods and Jonas Georges, owner of the freighter who transported to Haiti more than 100,000 contraband ammunition, weapons and accessories, arrested in the North-West department, all two are charged with complicity in the illicit trafficking of firearms and ammunition. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37108-haiti-flash-seizure-of-120-000-ammunition-me-michelet-virgile-releases-the-alleged-traffickers.html
In addition, Fritz Haubourg, the Deputy Director of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Justice, was also dismissed in this case. He is accused of having given instructions to the Government Commissioner to release the two people arrested in connection with arms trafficking.
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre