Haiti - News : Zapping... - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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iciHaiti - Northb: Reprofiling work on the Vaudreuil / Camp-Coq section

iciHaiti - South-East : Security devices deployed on several road axes

iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : 54 new members for the Civil Protection Intervention Brigade

Haiti - Politic : 3rd annual edition of the assets declaration day

iciHaiti - Sport : FIFA Goal Center under the control of armed individuals

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Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Politic : Towards the strengthening of the Public Investment Program

Haiti - Security : First meeting of the Municipal Security Council of Port-au-Prince

Haiti - FLASH : The construction sector asks the DGM to regularize 87,000 Haitians

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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Haiti - News : Zapping...
06/11/2022 12:45:40

Haiti - News : Zapping...
Joseph Lambert sets justice in motion against the USA and Canada
"On November 4th, the US Treasury Department indexed me unfairly. Together with Canada, they imposed sanctions on me. I affirm that they were wrong and I will fight this unfounded decision. To this end, a law firm has received a mandate. Law and justice are put to the test between the USA, Canada and I, Joseph Lambert" President of the Senate

See also :

PNH : Control of the Oil Terminal, towards an improvement if...
The resumption of control of the Varreux oil terminal by the police could mean an improvement, at least partial, of the humanitarian crisis raging in Haiti from Monday "if" the fuel supply resumes as announced (gas stations, hospitals, DINEPA, EDH, industries etc...) as long as the resumption of fuel distribution on Monday is not compromised by the gangs...

Mexico : Tribute to "Mikaben"
On the occasion of the commemoration of the traditional Day of the Dead, celebrated with pomp in Mexico. the Mexican Chancellery in collaboration with the Embassies of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean organized an altar welcoming offerings dedicated to the deceased. The Embassy of Haiti in Mexico took the opportunity to pay tribute to the Haitian artist Michaël Benjamin ailais "Mikaben" who died on October 15, 2022 See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37895-haiti-flash-michael-benjamin-mikaben-dies-on-stage-in-front-of-20-000-fans-video.html

Sunrise Airways to Punta Cana
Sunrise Airways Fly to Punta Cana from Port-au-Prince starting December 16, 2022. Flights Fridays and Sundays.
Reservations: https://sunriseairways.net/

UNICEF to the aid of DINEPA
With the socio-political crisis and fuel shortage, UNICEF provided 6,000 gallons of diesel to the National Directorate of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DINEPA) to support the operation of water treatment centers and health services and for the operation of tank trucks for the distribution of water to the population.

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