Haiti - FLASH : «Title 42», the White House in turn files an appeal with the Supreme Court - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : «Title 42», the White House in turn files an appeal with the Supreme Court
21/12/2022 08:08:19

Haiti - FLASH : «Title 42», the White House in turn files an appeal with the Supreme Court
After the appeal Monday, December 19, 2022 of 19 Republican State attorneys to the Supreme Court of the United States seeking not to terminate the application of "Title 42", a health ordinance which allows the expulsion of candidates for immigration including potential asylum seekers, who have obtained from the highest court in the country an order temporarily suspending the lifting of "Title 42", the White House counterattacks.

On Tuesday, the White House in turn filed an appeal with the United States Supreme Court asking it to reject the Republican bid to postpone the end of the Trump-era border policy, known as the "Title 42"...

Although the U.S. government has acknowledged that the end of Title 42 will likely result in "a temporary increase in illegal border crossings," the Department of Justice in a statement says the Biden administration "[...] does not seek in any case to minimize the seriousness of this problem. But the solution to this immigration problem cannot be, to extend indefinitely a public health measure which is now recognized by all, as having exceeded its public health justification [...]" moreover, the Ministry believes that States do not have "the legal right to challenge the ruling of a federal district court (the federal judge in Washington who overturned Trump’s border policy and demanded President Biden end the application of the "Title 42" by Wednesday December 21) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38412-haiti-flash-rebound-the-supreme-court-temporarily-suspends-the-lifting-of-title-42.html )

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