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iciHaiti - Delmas 30 : 2 bandits fatally injured, police uniforms recovered

iciHaiti - NOTICE : PAP Fire Department, 30 candidates invited to continue the selection process (list)

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Haiti - NOTICE : New certificate for business names and online registration application

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Haiti - News : Zapping...

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Haiti - News : Zapping...
03/02/2023 10:21:14

Haiti - News : Zapping...
Survey : 69% of the population for international intervention
Wednesday was presented the results of the study on insecurity and the impact of the action of armed gangs on the country carried out by "Diagnosis & Development Group S.A." on behalf of the Alliance for Risk Management and Business Continuity (AGERCA). Reveals that 71% of respondents believe that the National Police is unable to restore security, and 69% say they are in favor of sending an international force to Haiti.

Democracy : Haiti 135th in the world, down 16 places
According to the index on the state of democracy in 167 countries in 2022 produced and published Thursday by the British group "The Economist" Haiti fell 16 place and found itself 135th.

3rd pre-carnival Sunday without activity
Sunday January 29, 2023, for the 3rd pre-carnival Sunday, no activities were reported in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince, the musical floats and the bands on foot were absent as was the public...

Release of the Cuban driver
The Cuban Ministry of Public Health confirmed in an official press release that Cuban collaborator Alejandro Aguilera Milanés, kidnapped in Haiti on January 23https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-38750-icihaiti-insecurity-a-driver-of-the-cuban-medical-brigade-kidnapped.html , had been freed by his captors.

Hipólito Mejia describes Haiti as a jungle
Hipólito Mejia, the former President of the Dominican Republic (2000-2004) questioned on the crisis in Haiti in an interview with the program "Hoy Mismo" declared that Haiti was a "jungle" rather than a country. In addition, he named "the United States, Canada, France and part of the Haitians" as responsible for the situation in Haiti.

Santiago : 26 illegal Haitians arrested:
Thursday, February 2, 2023, 26 Haitians (11 men, 10 women and 5 children) in an irregular migration situation were arrested by Dominican police in Santiago while traveling illegally in a vehicle.

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