
Haiti - FLASH : Biden's conditional stay program helps the brain drain 26/02/2023 08:23:59
Dr. Bernard Liautaud, who is in charge of training at the GHESKIO centers, an institution specializing in the management of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and cardiovascular diseases, believes that the new humanitarian conditional stay program ("Humanitarian Parole") of the Biden administration https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38566-haiti-flash-new-us-entry-program-for-haitian-migrants-conditions-and-steps-to-follow.html contributes to the departure of the most competent resources of Haiti "[...] we will begin to undergo the chosen immigration [...]"
hould be noted that at least 20 police officers are already in the United States under this conditional stay program according to a senior State Department official. However, if we look at the explosion of requests for passports from police officers, we are entitled to worry, because this is only the tip of the iceberg and the police institution could lose several hundred of its officers. See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38846-haiti-flash-conditional-stay-program-haitians-leave-the-country-by-hundred-every-day-for-usa.html
HL/ HaitiLibre