Haiti - FLASH : A significant arms and ammunition trafficking, blocked at the judicial level (investigation) - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : A significant arms and ammunition trafficking, blocked at the judicial level (investigation)
24/03/2023 09:20:14

Haiti - FLASH : A significant arms and ammunition trafficking, blocked at the judicial level (investigation)
Since April 2022, the Central Directorate of Judicial Police (DCPJ) has been investigating on an arms and ammunition trafficking, in which 3 employees of the National Old Age Insurance Office (ONA), 1 agent of the Intervention and Order Maintenance Corps (CIMO) of the PNH and 1 employee of the Office of Occupational Accidents, Sickness and Maternity Insurance (OFATMA) are involved.

Two detailed reports drawn up by the DCPJ were sent to the judicial authorities for legal action.

The RNDDH denounces the blocking at the level of the Haitian judicial system of files relating to acts of corruption and and arms and ammunition trafficking. The organization took a particular interest in this case and conducted an investigation that it makes a point of sharing with public opinion.

Download the detailed RNDDH invstigation (PDF in French 9 pages) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/3_Rapport_Trafic_d_armes_et_de_munitions_15Mar2023.pdf

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