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Haiti - Cooperation : A Spanish delegation on mission in the country
26/03/2023 11:51:34

Haiti - Cooperation : A Spanish delegation on mission in the country
A Spanish delegation composed of Anton Leis, Director of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) and Ms. Laura Oroz, Director of Cooperation for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Agency, is in Haiti to 2 days (March 25 and 26)

During their stay they will visit Spanish Cooperation projects in the aquaponics sector aquaponiques.html and will meet with Ministers Jean-Victor Généus (Foreign Affairs) and Ms. Emmelie Prophète (Culture and Justice a.i.) to address the main challenges of the country in the current context.

They will also meet with the United Nations Resident Humanitarian Coordinator for Haiti, Ms. Ulrika Richardson and United Nations country agencies, to discuss the situation of international cooperation in Haiti.

The cooperation team, the Spanish NGOs present in Haiti and the Spanish Embassy will seek to identify the best niches for the future of Spanish cooperation with Haiti.

Let's recall that the ECID is currently carrying out more than 73 million dollars of project. Most of these investments are made in the sectors of water and sanitation ($33 million), education ($10.5 million) and the productive sector and food security ($17.5 million). millions of dollars).

It should be recalled that the "Fonda del Agua", financed entirely by Spain, has donated to Haiti over the past ten years more than 170 million dollars, which has made it possible to bring drinking water to than 10% of the Haitian population.

Before their departure, the Spanish delegation will be received by Prime Minister a.i. Ariel Henry.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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