Haiti - Economy : Intervention of the PM at the International Finance Summit (Video) - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Economy : Intervention of the PM at the International Finance Summit (Video)
20/04/2023 09:21:08

Haiti - Economy : Intervention of the PM at the International Finance Summit (Video)
On Wednesday April 19, 2023, Acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry spoke at the 13th International Finance Summit, on the last day of this Summit (April 17 to 19).

Excerpt from Prime Minister Henry’s speech :

"[...] I congratulate those who took the initiative to organize the International Finance Summit, which is becoming a tradition. Above all, I congratulate them for having chosen to draw the attention of our financiers, our economists and our decision-makers to the importance of the link that exists between finance and ecology.

If we want to break the vicious circle of poverty, if we want to give our youth a future and hope, it is imperative that we create the conditions to attract massive investment in Haiti [...]

It is the responsibility of the State to provide everyone with the essential security and a certain predictability on the evolution of the general situation of the country. Security for the free and risk-free movement of people and goods. Security against attacks by armed gangs. Legal certainty to guarantee land property rights [...]

It is not international humanitarian aid that can get our country out of the doldrums. These are foreign direct investments, creators of sustainable and well-paid jobs. Hence the need for the CFI [Investment Facilitation Center] to quickly implement active investment promotion strategies and policies."

Full speech by the Prime Minister a.i. :

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