Haiti - Justice : Elections to the Bar of Port-au-Prince - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - Justice : Elections to the Bar of Port-au-Prince
04/10/2011 14:53:29

Haiti - Justice : Elections to the Bar of Port-au-Prince
Friday, September 30, Me Carlos Hercules was elected for a term of two years, with 157 votes on 206, new president of the Bar Association of Port-au-Prince. Me Hercule replaces the outgoing President of the Bar Me Gervais Charles, who was finishing his third consecutive term.

Me Carlos Hercule considered as a gatherer, had launched his campaign, on Thursday, July 21, 2011, on the themes of the unit, of the competence and of dynamism, promising to work to put the Bar of Port-au-Prince on the road of renewal and of the modernity.

Among his objectives we can mention : the staffing of the Bar of Port-au-Prince of an institute of mediation and conciliation, the organization of a contest of eloquence (speaking competition) for the students lawyers, the revision of the rules of the Bar School in order to admit students-lawyers and not the trainee lawyers and the reconstruction of the library.

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