Haiti - Special Olympics 2023 : Already 5 medals in 4 days for Haiti, 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Special Olympics 2023 : Already 5 medals in 4 days for Haiti, 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze
22/06/2023 09:40:21

Haiti - Special Olympics 2023 : Already 5 medals in 4 days for Haiti, 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze
As part of the 16th "Special Olympics Berlin 2023" games (Germany), dedicated to athletes with intellectual disabilities (June 17 to 26), the Haitian delegation of 16 members including 6 high-level athletes who will defend the colors of our flag in 3 disciplines: Athletics (Renia Joseph, Christelle Paul and Widjmy Charles); Horse riding: Darlene Milord, and Ketia Jean Louis and Table tennis: Genet Ducame.

Athletics: (3 medals in the 200m)
Renia Joseph (24 years old) came in first in 33 seconds 51 (Gold Medal)
Christelle Paul, (19 years old) 2nd (Silver medal, 36 sec. 29)
Widjmy Charles (29 years old) 3rd (Bronze medal, 36sec 78)

Equestrian: (2 medals in the dressage class)
Darlène Milord 2nd (Silver medal with 72.35%)
Ketia Jean Jean Louis 3rd (Bonze Medal with 64.41%)

This Thursday, June 22, 2023 the table tennis player Genet Ducame will face the German Hartmut Freund. Note that Ducame in the preliminary stages won 4 out of 5 matches.

That same day, in athletics, our 3 runners will participate in the 100m semi-final

And in horse riding Darlène Milord will compete in the final of the “English equitation” event.

Let's remember that the “Special Olympics World Games" are the largest inclusive sporting event in the world. Nearly 7,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities, from approximately 170 countries, will compete in 26 sports disciplines.

Download the competition program : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/230509-b23-time-table-no-training-rgb-en.pdf

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