
Haiti - Justice : 28 new certified magistrates, 7 excluded from the profession (list) 28/06/2023 09:37:23
The Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) published, on June 26, 2023, a new list of 36 magistrates submitted by the council's technical certification commission, of which 28 magistrates have been certified and 7 non-certified meaning for the latter their exclusion from the judiciary
This new list follows the previous one of January 2023 of 59 magistrates, 28 of whom had not been certified https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38636-haiti-flash-vast-sweep-in-the-judicial-system-28-magistrates-sidelined-list.html
Uncertified magistrates (7):
- Magistrat Dudié PROPHÈTE, Deputy Judge at the Quartier-Morin Peace Court / not certified for lack of moral integrity characterized by the ransoming of litigants;
- Magistrate Luc Kerlin CHARLES, Deputy Judge at the Saut d'Eau Peace Court / not certified for false secondary school leaving certificates (Bacc I and II);
- Magistrate Lyonel Ralph DIMANCHE, Former Dean of the Court of First Instance of Croix-des-Bouquets / not certified for involvement in proven cases of spoliation;
- Magistrat Ernest ISAAC, Judge at the Court of First Instance of Miragoâne / not certified for lack of moral integrity;
- Magistrate Gesner MORJSSET, Judge naked Court of First Instance of Cap-Haitien / not certified for ransom of litigants;
- Magistrate Bruno LERICHE, Judge and Investigating Judge at the Court of First Instance of Croix-des-Bouquets/ not certified for involvement in proven cases of spoliation;
- Magistrat Chérimond SAINT-JULIEN, Judge and Investigating Judge at the Court of First Instance of Miragoâne /not certified for lack of moral integrity.
Certified magistrates (28):
- Magistrate Jacky JEAN, Deputy Judge at the Court of Peace of Gressier Peace Court
- Magistrate David BOUCHE, Judge of the Court of Peace of Gressier
- Magistrate Michel DALEXY, Regular Judge of the Court of Peace of Côte-de-Fer
- Magistrat Antonius ALEXANDRE, titular judge a.i. at theCourt of Peace of Jacmel
- Magistrate Mario JEAN, Associate Judge at the Court of Peace of Marbial.
- Magistrate Verdier DURE, Deputy Judge at the Peace Court of La Vallée de Jacmel
- Magistrate Jonès SURPRIS, Deputy Judge at the Court of Peace of Saint Marc
- Magistrate Ferry BERNARD, Deputy Judge at the Court of Peace of Ouanaminthe
- Magistrate Fedor Max ORILAS, Deputy Judge at the Court of Peace of Ganthier
- Magistrat Clébert Pierre, Deputy Judge at the Court of Peace of Cabaret
- Magistrate Jean Brunet NOEL, Deputy Judge at the Court of Peace of Port-au-Prince (Northern Section);
- Magistrat Anofaine MAITRE, Deputy Judge at the Court of Peace of Marigot ;
- Magistrate Marie Yvette FENELON, Deputy Judge at the Court of Peace of Les Cayes;
- Magistrate Venante EXANTUS, Judge ai at the Court of Peace of Cabaret ;
- Magistrate Hermano ALEXANDRE, Deputy Judge at the Court of Peace of Croix-des-Bouquets
- Magistrate Felismé BENJAMIN Judge at the Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince
- Magistrate Jean Rigaud DURET, Judge and Investigating Judge at the Court of First Instance of Croix-des-Bouquets
- Magistrate Jacquelin FRANÇOIS, Judge and Investigating Judge at the Court of First Instance of Fort Liberté
- Magistrat Mathieu CHANLATTE, Judge and Investigating Judge at the Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince
- Magistrate Bernard SAINT VIL, Former Dean of the Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince
- Magistrate Auméreau LAINE, Dean of the Court of First Instance of Jacmel
- Magistrate Jean Robert DUBUISSON, Judge and Investigating Judge at the Court of First Instance of Mirebalais:
- Magistrat Grégoire TOUSSAINT, Judge and Investigating Judge at the Court of First Instance of Aquin
- Magistrate Berge O. SURPRIS, Judge and Investigating Judge at the Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince;
- Magistrate Paul dit Rubin MOISE, Judge and Investigating Judge at the Court of First Instance of Côteaux;
- Magistrat Jules Gaspard, Judge and Investigating Judge at the Court of First Instance of Aquin
- Magistrate Kébreau ZAMOR, Deputy Government Commissioner at the Court of Appeal of Port-au-Prince;
- Magistrate Belette LAROSE, Judge at the Court of Appeal of Port-au-Prince
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre