Haiti - 2023 FIFA World Cup : «D-2» Haiti vs Republic of China, defeat prohibited - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - 2023 FIFA World Cup : «D-2» Haiti vs Republic of China, defeat prohibited
26/07/2023 08:07:07

Haiti - 2023 FIFA World Cup : «D-2» Haiti vs Republic of China, defeat prohibited
Tuesday July 25, in preparation for their second match of the FIFA World Cup, Friday July 28 our Grenadières in their base camp at Percy Doyle Reserve carried out a solid training session despite the wind, cold and rain, with the sole objective of preparing well for the match against the People's Republic of China. Our Grenadières are well equipped to face the temperature that they will probably find in Adelaide...

Wednesday, July 26, our girls trained one last time between 10 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. before flying around 2:15 p.m. (Perth time) for Adelaide in South Australia.

It was a lively session, based specifically on the match plan that French coach Nicolas Delépine intends to put in place against China.

This session had started with the preactivation followed by the warm-up with the physical trainer, Julien Le Heran. Then it was the turn of Nicolas Delépine and his assistant number 1, Erwan Huet, to animate the tactical implementation part with repetitions of the phases of play that the grenadières can probably encounter against the "white and red" of China .

Haiti vs Republic of China, an important meeting for the survival of the Grenadières in this 9th edition of the 2023 FIFA World Cup, defeat being prohibited, the Haitian team is well aware of the great battle that awaits him in Adelaide and has prepared accordingly.

Friday, July 28, 2023
Haiti vs Republic of China

Adelaide - Hindmarsh Stadium at 8:30 p.m. local time, 7:00 a.m. in Haiti.

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