Haiti - Humanitarian : US$21 million to help 200,000 displaced people - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - Humanitarian : US$21 million to help 200,000 displaced people
06/10/2023 10:11:53

Haiti - Humanitarian : US$21 million to help 200,000 displaced people
"Due to gang violence, there are some 200,000 displaced people, of whom around 70,000 have found refuge in 80 spontaneous sites. Currently, 31,000 people sleep in the open air and 34,000 crowd into classrooms. Inadequate shelter and overcrowded living conditions increase family tensions, which in turn can contribute to violence and increase the risk of sexual assault.

Families who quickly left their homes find themselves without the means to meet their basic needs. In this context, access to non-food items (such as kitchen kits, water tanks, blankets, mats) is essential" summarizes Members of the Emergency Shelter/Non-Food Items (NFI) Group) which brings together local authorities, United Nations agencies and NGOs.

These displaced people must have access to safe and dignified living spaces to avoid further exposure to violence. Group members need $21 million to help 200,000 people with emergency shelter and non-food items.

The Group agreed on the following approach:

  • 70,000 people will benefit from non-food items (blankets, mats, water cans, tarpaulins, kitchen kits);
  • 53 collective centers will be rehabilitated and properly equipped;
  • 130,000 people living with host families will receive cash assistance.

The prolongation of the crisis increases the pressure on host families who are no longer able to support the displaced people they had welcomed without assistance, leading to further displacement and increased vulnerability.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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