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Haiti - News : Zapping...

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Haiti - News : Zapping...
22/02/2024 10:46:39

Haiti - News : Zapping...
Mirebalais : 2 bandits killed
At the start of the week, as part of an intervention carried out by agents of the Temporary Anti-Gang Unit (UTAG) and the Departmental Order Maintenance Unit (UDMO - West) aimed at dislodging bandits in the area of Fonds Cheval (Mirebalais), two bandits were mortally wounded in exchanges of fire with the Police. This police intervention follows the attack by armed individuals against the Terre Rouge police station, including the locality of Fonds Cheval, in order to provide reinforcement to the Departmental Police Directorate of the Center.

Computer center for vulnerable young people
With the support of the United Nations agency for sexual and reproductive health (UNFPA - Haiti), the "Fondasyon Ayiti Toma" launched last week a computer center aimed at promoting the socio-professional integration of young people in difficult situations, particularly those living with a disability in vulnerable neighborhoods.

Duchity in solidarity with Digiciel
"Duchity showed his solidarity today. The blockages erected for several days were removed and we were able to supply more than twenty sites to serve the population of Grande Anse" declared Jean Philippe Brun, General Manager of Digicel See als o: "Digicel: Supply and maintenance blocked" https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-41721-haiti-news-zapping.html

Health : PAHO/WHO providing support in 25 camps
In support of the emergency response of the Ministry of Public Health to displaced populations, the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO Haiti), provided technical and operational support in 25 displaced persons camps. Treatment, epidemiological surveillance, vaccination and psychological support activities have been implemented. As well as the distribution of medicines and medical equipment.

Aggressive behavior of police officers condemned
The National Union of Haitian Police Officers (SYNAPOHA) condemns the aggressive behavior of law enforcement officers against the population during anti-government demonstrations. However, he invites the population to continue to support the police institution.

Training on the repression of corruption
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP - Haiti) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) are delighted to support the School of Magistracy of Haiti in holding, February 20 to 22, training on the repression of corruption, financed by the Embassy of Canada in Haiti and "UN Peace Building". This training aims to provide judicial police officers with practical skills essential for the rigorous application of the laws.

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