Haiti - FLASH : False decree appointing the members of the Presidential Transitional Council - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : False decree appointing the members of the Presidential Transitional Council
16/04/2024 10:07:49

Haiti - FLASH : False decree appointing the members of the Presidential Transitional Council
Contrary to the rumors circulating around a "supposedly authentic" decree 14-A circulating on social networks appointing the members of the Transitional Presidential Council (CPT), the Ministry of Communication, in a note published in the afternoon of Monday April 15, 2024, denies this information and informs the population in general and the Haitian press in particular that the official newspaper "Le Moniteur" has not published any decree relating to the appointment of members of the CPT.

The Ministry specifies that "the Government is working to make these appointments as quickly as possible and in the best possible conditions."

In the meantime, Me Sandy Alexis, Justice of the Peace of Pétion-ville, accompanied by his clerk, went to the national presses to try to verify the authenticity of this document which is circulating naming the members of the Council but came up against the refusal of Ronald Saint-Jean, the Director of the national presses.

Download the official decree (PDF in French) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/Decret-portant-creation-du-Conseil-presidentiel-de-transition.pdf

Download the draft decree submitted by the members of the Presidential Transitional Council (PDF in French) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/projet-decret-08-04-2024.pdf

Download the full text of the signed agreement (pending publication, PDF in French) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/accord-politique-pour-une-transition-pacifique-et-ordonnee.pdf

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