Haiti - FLASH : Weapons, ammunition and armored vehicles arrive as reinforcements - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Weapons, ammunition and armored vehicles arrive as reinforcements
10/08/2024 09:13:43

Haiti - FLASH : Weapons, ammunition and armored vehicles arrive as reinforcements
According to our information, weapons, ammunition and armored vehicles, among others, are on their way to strengthen the operational capabilities of the Haitian National Police (PNH), the Haitian Armed Forces (FAd’H) and the Multinational Mission led by Kenya.

Let's recall that a spokesperson for the Commander of the Kenyan forces Godfrey Otunge had declared at the beginning of August "[...] The armored vehicles provided by the United States are used to transport troops but do not allow us to fight against armed gangs.
..." https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-42900-haiti-news-zapping.html requesting from the Americans, armored combat vehicles equipped with a turret. Similarly, the mission finds it necessary to have at least one combat helicopter to meet the needs such as the Hughes MD 500 Defender"...

In addition to the problem of administrative delays between requests and responses to these requests, increasing equipment alone will not be enough to resolve the situation. There is also a problem of personnel, information and the need to address the situation in a holistic (global) manner, if we want to resolve the problem definitively as a whole.

Given the sensitive nature of this information, and for obvious security reasons, we do not know what has been taken into account, what will actually be delivered and when this logistical reinforcement will arrive in Haiti.

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