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iciHaiti - Delmas 30 : 2 bandits fatally injured, police uniforms recovered

iciHaiti - NOTICE : PAP Fire Department, 30 candidates invited to continue the selection process (list)

iciHaiti - Qatar 2025 : Return to the country of our stadium heroes (video)

iciHaiti - World Ski Championship : Congratulations from the Minister of Sports

iciHaiti - Politic : 6 new promotions at the Ministry of the Environment

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Haiti - NOTICE : New certificate for business names and online registration application

Haiti - Commerce and Industry : Minister Monazard unveils the main points of his 2024-2025 action plan

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Haiti - News : Zapping...
27/09/2024 09:54:52

Haiti - News : Zapping...
CPS : Land Access Closed to its Port of PAP
On Thursday, September 26, 2024, the Haitian company Caribbean Port Services (CPS) announced that it was temporarily closing land access to its Port-au-Prince port, a key corridor for supplies in the country that has been paralyzed by attacks by armed gangs, from September 26 to 29. CPS said this should allow the army and the national police to continue their efforts to secure the area.

MMSS : 2,500 troops by January
On Thursday, Kenyan President William Ruto assured the UN that the full deployment of the multinational mission in Haiti will be completed by January 2025. "Kenya and other Caribbean and African countries are ready to deploy but are hampered by a lack of equipment, logistics and funds [...] I must stress, however, that Kenya will deploy the additional contingents to reach the target of 2,500 police officers by January 2025."

Passport : Grievance service available
Are you having a problem with your passport application ? The Directorate of Immigration and Emigration is here to help ! Contact our grievance team at : doleances@immigration.gouv.ht

Quebec : Haitian Independent Senator in the Senate
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Governor General Mary Simon has appointed Suze Youance as an Independent Senator to fill a vacant seat in the Senate for Quebec. Originally from Haiti, Ms. Youance immigrated to Canada in 2006, where she made a name for herself in the fields of engineering, teaching and research. She worked for several engineering firms and taught for many years at the École de technologie supérieure de Montréal. The Embassy of the Republic of Haiti in Canada warmly congratulates Ms. Suze Youance on her recent appointment as an Independent Senator for Quebec.

WHO Supervision Visit
A joint supervision visit to the WHO-Haiti Colbert Lochard National School site with the Ministry of Public Health provided an opportunity to assess the services provided. "Thanks to this monitoring, we can adjust our interventions (health care, drinking water, sanitation and the fight against gender-based violence) and ensure that the essential needs of more than 50,000 people living in the sites supported by WHO-Haiti are effectively addressed."

UN : Leslie Voltaire on Energy
"As head of the infrastructure and energy project within the CPT, I took part in a constructive working lunch with Andrés Rebolledo, Executive Secretary of the Latin American Energy Organization. This meeting was an opportunity to discuss current energy issues, opportunities for cooperation between Haiti and Latin American countries, as well as solutions to meet energy needs in a context of sustainable development," said Advisor Leslie Voltaire in New York.

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