Haiti - Economy : Laurent Lamothe wants 168 business missions per year 10/12/2011 09:32:29 To the question "Which are your plans to change the image of diplomatic missions?" the Chancellor Lamothe answered : "First, what we have done is an analysis of missions, the costs of each mission hroughout the world and we decided that the diplomatic missions should serve as a mission to attract investment in Haiti. Missions which are not passive but very active missions, we will send a circular to all the consulates and embassies to ask them to come with at least 4 business missions per year in Haiti. We have 42 consulates and embassies, so it would be 168 business missions per year, what is new, because Haiti almost never saw business missions, so we encourage Consulates and Embassies to make business missions. Secondly, the profile of the Ambassadors will change and will pass from a profile rather diplomat to a profil fairly aggressive, with an academic profile Masters, a profile of entrepreneur, of businessman, able to attract investment, people who are accustomed to wotk in the matchmaking, in the networking throughout the world, so that the promotion of Haiti is made with dignity and of manner to make every Haitian proud. This should encourage investors to come and invest here in Haiti." HL/ HaitiLibre
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