
Haiti - Justice : The Court of Peace of Ferrier receives the equipment needed for its operation 07/01/2012 10:04:03
As part of the support of the Mission to the strengthening of local institutions, as provided by Resolution 1927 of the Security Council of the United Nations, the Minustah has delivered in the presence of local authorities, of community leaders and many inhabitants of the locality a lot of materials, to the Tribunal of Peace of the town of Ferrier, in the department of Northeast. This Court, was built by the Minsutah, as part of its Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) to an estimated amount of $USD25,000.
A diesel generator of 20 KVA, three computers, a printer, six desks, twenty folding chairs, three metal filing cabinets and three typewriters constituted most of the equipment delivered to the Court of Peace of the town of Ferrier. Me Jean Mary St-Phat, Deputy Justice of the Peace, spoke on behalf of the Judge, to emphasize that "these materials will greatly contribute to the smooth running of the court."
HL/ HaitiLibre