Haiti - Tender : Wastewater treatment plant for domestic wastewater of the industrial park of Caracol 08/02/2012 09:35:05 1. - The Republic of Haiti has received a non-repayable funding from the Interamerican Development Bank to cover the cost of the proposed development of the Industrial Park of Caracol and intends to use this grant to make payments under the Contract corresponding to the design, construction and operation of a wastewater treatment plant for domestic wastewater of Industrial Park Caracol. 2. - The Contractor is the National Society of Industrial Parks (SONAPI). The Technical Unit of Execution (UTE) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Delegated Contracting Authority solicits tenders from eligible Tenderers and meeting the qualifications for the services specified in the bidding documents and comprising the establishment of a project to build a treatment plant for domestic wastewater of Industrial Park Caracol, the execution of works and the operation and maintenance of the station. The time limit for the project and its execution is eight months, and the duration of operational services, thirty-six months. 3. - The Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) as defined in the Policies of the Interamerican Development Bank for the procurement of goods and works financed by the Interamerican Development Bank and open to all Tenderers from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Policies. 4. - Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Mr. Director of the Technical Unit of Execution, ute_mef@ute.gouv.ht, and take cognizance of the tender dossier to the address below from 9am to 4pm (local time in Haiti), Monday through Friday. Unité Technique d’Exécution du Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances 26, rue 3 – Pacot Port-au-Prince, HAÏTI 5. - The requirements in terms of qualifications include : Choice of a technology from those indicated in the tender document, specific experience in studies and similar to those covered by the tender, eligibility for the company and key staff, justification of a strong financial position, availability of sufficient assets to fulfill the various obligations, and availability of staff and adequate equipment for the project. No margin of preference will be applied to Contractors, Business Groups, Consortia or national associations. 6. - Interested bidders can buy a complete Tender dossier in French by sending a written request to the address below against a non-refundable payment of three hundred dollars of United States of America (300.00 USD). The method of payment will be by check of 'direction' to the order of Ministry of Economy and Finance. The tender dossier will be withdrawn directly by an authorized representative of the person concerned. 7. - Submission of bids will occur in two steps. Bidders must submit, at the first stage technical proposals, without a price, based on general principles for design or performance standards, and qualification data. In the second step, the qualified Tenderers will be invited to present, based on the adjustments required, the final technical proposals and a quotation. 8. - Technical proposals and qualification data should be submitted no later than 1 March 2012 to 10am local time in Haiti), to the address below. Submitting tenders electronically will not be permitted. The Late bids will not be accepted. Technical proposals and qualification data will be opened physically in front of representatives of bidders who have decided to be present in person on March 1 2012 to 12pm (local time in Haiti), at the address : Unité Technique d’Exécution du Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances 26, rue 3 – Pacot Port-au-Prince, HAÏTI 9. - In the second step, all final technical proposals and financial offers must be accompanied by a Bank guarantee of the offer of fifty thousand dollars (50,000.00 USD). Read in French : https://www.haitilibre.com/article-4909-haiti-appel-d-offres-station-d-epuration-des-eaux-usees-domestiques-du-parc-industriel-de-caracol.html S/ HaitiLibre
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