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Haiti - Education : Australian Development Scholarships - Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships
19/03/2012 09:00:14

Haiti - Education : Australian Development Scholarships - Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships
The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) is pleased to invite applications for the 2013 intake of Australia Awards ‐ Development Awards for study at Masters and PhD levels in Australia. Development Awards include Australia Development Scholarships and Australian Leadership Award Scholarships.

The overarching goals of Australia's Development Awards are: to develop capacity and leadership skills so that individuals can contribute to development in their country or region and to build people‐to‐people links at the individual, institutional and country levels.

To achieve these goals AusAID requires scholars to return home for two years after they have completed their studies and expects that they will participate in Australia Awards alumni activities.

Australia Development Scholarships are a bilateral development cooperation activity between Australia and the Caribbean. The program aims to meet human resource development needs in the Caribbean and to contribute to its long‐term development.

Australian Development Scholarship applicants who demonstrate the most potential to impact development in the accredited countries of the Caribbean region will be considered for the additional prestigious Australian Leadership Award.

Development priorities for study and target sectors :
The board priority areas for study are; Climate change and natural disaster management, Education, Economic resilience and Food security.

The target sectors are public sector employees, academic staff of public universities and employees of relevant regional development organisations. Preference will be given to applicants from these three sectors. Desired applicant profiles and further information on priority areas of study are available in PDF format at www.trinidadandtobago.embassy.gov.au/ptsp/study.html

To ensure equity and broad participation, AusAID encourages women, people with disability, ethnic minorities, people living in rural areas and members of socio‐economically disadvantaged groups to apply.

Eligibility requirements :
Applicants must meet all of the eligibility requirements detailed in the Scholarships Handbook, available at:
Applicants must also meet the following specific eligibility requirements for the Caribbean found at www.trinidadandtobago.embassy.gov.au/ptsp/study.html

To apply :
Online applications will open on 1 February 2012 for commencement at an Australian institution from January 2013. Online applications are available until COB 30 April 2012 Australian time. Online applications are preferred however hardcopy application forms can be obtained from caribbeanscholarships (@) ausaid.gov.au and must be submitted by 4pm 30 April 2012.

Applicants MUST first read information pack available at www.trinidadandtobago.embassy.gov.au/ptsp/study.html and the country profile and handbooks including information on eligibility at www.ausaid.gov.au/scholar/eligiblecountries.cfm before applying.

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