Haiti - Insecurity : Ultimatum expired, situation on the ground unchanged - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Insecurity : Ultimatum expired, situation on the ground unchanged
20/03/2012 14:37:44

Haiti - Insecurity : Ultimatum expired, situation on the ground unchanged
The 15-day deadline given by the Minister of National Defense, Me Thierry Mayard-Paul, to the men in fatigues claiming to be from the FAd'H (Armed Forces of Haiti) to lay down arms and leave the old bases occupied illegally, is expired. The situation on the ground, remains unchanged.

Ms. Eliane Nabaa, Information Officer of the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti (Minustah) said Monday that concrete steps should be taken following the expiration of 15 days. She said that the peacekeepers are ready to intervene to disarm and dislodge armed groups that occupy old installations of fromer FAd'H. But added that the UN force, can only act in support of the Haiti National Police (PNH), and that such assistance must be formally requested by the Haitian authorities concerned "We are available and willing, ready to cooperate if the assistance of the Minustah is requested, but it is the responsibility of the PNH to take action."

For his part, Reginald Delva, the Secretary of State for Public Security, reported last Friday that, "following an agreement with the authorities, these citizens will not be forced to vacate the premises, but will not have the right to move in military uniform and armed," adding that negotiations were continuing.

Parliamentarians and members of civil society have reacted against the Government's inaction in this case. Pierre Espérance, Executive Director of the National Network of Defense of Human Rights (RNDDH) strongly denounces what he calls the laxity of the authorities "This is a situation that neither parliamentarians nor the people should accept." For the Deputy Ronald Larèche, member of the Commission Justice and Public Security of the Chamber of Deputies, the Minustah should not wait for the authorization of the Government to disarm and dislodge the groups that occupy the old basis, this falling within, he said their mandate... As for the President of the Lower House, the Deputy Levaillant Louis-Jeune, he appealed to the Director General of the PNH, Mario Andrésol, asking him to track down those he describes as bandits, to ensure peace in the country...

The Ministry of Defence urges the occupants to leave the former barracks

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