Haiti - Health : Inauguration of new physiotherapy services of the OFATMA - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Health : Inauguration of new physiotherapy services of the OFATMA
29/05/2012 10:49:33

Haiti - Health : Inauguration of new physiotherapy services of the OFATMA
The President Michel Joseph Martelly, has proceeded, Monday, May 28, at the inauguration of the new physiotherapy department of the Office of Insurance Work Accident, Sickness and Maternity (OFATMA). The building housing this new service includes : four stay rooms, three rooms for physiotherapy, an occupational therapy (ergotherapy) room and a gym with modern equipment, with the help of the French Red Cross.

"...I consider timely the initiative which provides the hospital of the OFATMA of a modern physiotherapy department. The benefits to draw from such a service will overflow, I'm sure the strict framework of the insured and will extend to a wide range of people requiring such treatment" declared the Head of State, in the presence of Government officials and representatives of the Diplomatic Corps and Consular. The President Martelly took the opportunity to send its congratulations to the team iof the OFATMA and its d thanks to the French Red Cross, represented by Aaron Brent.

In his speech for the occasion, Charles Jean Jacques, the Director of the OFATMA stated "today we inaugurate with pleasure the physiotherapy department of the OFATMA. This department was 44m2 up to yesterday, today it covers 390m2... This space has special rooms for occupational therapy [...] a separate room for children, men and women with disabilities and we have the great machine room [...]

We have a capacity, according to our specialized staff, to provide physiotherapy to 60 disabled people per day, which gives us a total of 14,000 sessions annually.

I signed a protocol which will be effective by Wednesday, with the Secretary of State for the disabled [Gérald Oriol Jr.], which will allow any person, without be insured under OFATMA, after registering with the Secretary of State [...], to come and receive free treatment under the best conditions as if you were insured with OFATMA...[...]

One should not forget that OFATMA is a hospital insurance, which, at the request of President Martelly, opened its doors to people with small grants [...] consultations are free, but if the person needs a radiograph, it must pay what it costs us, so that I recover money for insured [...]

For the psychotherapy, we went to seek funding of 180,000 euros from the French Red Cross, in equipment, renovation and expansion of the structure [...]"

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