Haiti - Diplomacy : The Haitian Minister of Communications, to Addis Ababa - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Diplomacy : The Haitian Minister of Communications, to Addis Ababa
09/07/2012 17:48:18

Haiti - Diplomacy : The Haitian Minister of Communications, to Addis Ababa
Following the instructions of the Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, the Minister of Communication, Mr. Ady Jean Gardy, went on Monday to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to represent the Government of Haiti to the new African Union Summit which runs from July 9 to 16, 2012, with the participation of delegations from around the world.

The Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe has given the Minister of Communication, following missions ;

- Monitor the ratification vote of Haiti's accession to the African Union, that he had initiated in January 2012, for an active communication during this new Summit

- Plan an official tour of Africa, of Head of State or of Prime Minister, through the African states before the end of the year, communicating to them the Government's intention to deepen links of proximity for a sustainable development and mutual support

- Assisting the African Union to get out of the grave crisis between the outgoing President of the Commission, Jean Ping of Gabon and the South African Nikosazana Damini-Zuna, since the last Summit of January 2012

- Finally positioning Haiti so that the Government Martelly-Lamothe, be accepted as a mediator to facilitate the return of peace in Congo where another war just declared.

The Minister of Communication, who should participate each time to the summits of the African Union as a Special Envoy, has also for mission to communicate during this meeting, all information on the progress of the Haitian Government to facilitate Haiti's integration in the various economic and political decision making bodies of this region.

The Minister of Communication Mr. Ady Jean Gardy was warmly welcomed this morning in Ethiopia by the Minister of Communication of this country who promised to support him in his noble mission.

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