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Haiti - Economy : Launching of the Council of Economic and Social Development
11/07/2012 10:20:39

Haiti - Economy : Launching of the Council of Economic and Social Development
The Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe has proceeded, Monday, July 9, 2012, at the Hotel Karibe to the launch of the Council of Economic and Social Development (CDES), unl strategic body of the Primature whose the dual mission is to simplify administrative procedures and facilitate investment and private initiative.

On this occasion, Messrs. Jerry Tardieu and Louis Naud Pierre have been appointed respectively President and General Coordinator of CDES by the Head of Government.

Laurent Lamothe, also indicated that with the implementation of the CDES, the Government Martelly-Lamothe moves towards institutional and strategic perspectives alowing to improve significantly the lives of the poorest social categories.

In his remarks for the occasion, the Head of Government mentioned that besides the mission of steering the dialogue between stakeholders from different sectors of national life, "the Council must work in cooperation with the body of the National Development Plan, to the harmonization of sectoral policies." CDES will be a space of dialogue inter-sectoral for the strengthening of socio-economic rights of the Haitian people. In this regard, it will also participate to put in permanent liaison the civil society and the government in their vision of modernization of the country.

The Prime Minister Lamothe has invited all stakeholders in the social and political life, including parliamentarians and members of the private business sector, present on this occasion, to work together to support the government Martelly/Lamothe in its determination to build a new Haiti.

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