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Haiti - Telecommunication : Migration from analogue to digital TV
11/07/2012 11:26:45

Haiti - Telecommunication : Migration from analogue to digital TV
As part of the launch of the migration process from analogue to digital television in Haiti, the National Telecommunications Council (CONATEL) is organizing a workshop on "the challenges of the transition from analogue to digital TV" which will be held on 12 and 13 July 2012 at the new University Campus Henri Christophe of Limonade (Department of the North).

This workshop, moderated by the International Association Francophone Solidarity for Digital (Association Internationale Solidarité Francophone pour le Numérique - SFN), is part of information activities and of awareness on economic, technical and legal issues relating to the transition from analogue to digital TV, and will mark the launch in Haiti of the migration process from analogue television era to the digital age. All the actors concerned by the transition from analogue to digital TV and the digital dividend have been invited to attend this important workshop : policy makers, broadcasters, telecommunications operators, media associations.

"The challenges of the transition from analogue to digital TV in the audiovisual sector" Awareness seminar in Cap Haitien, from 12 to 13 July 2012

Day 1 - 12 July

Day 2 - 13 July

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