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Haiti - Politic : «We must change of paradigm, change the manner to do»
18/07/2012 10:14:54

Haiti - Politic : «We must change of paradigm, change the manner to do»
The First Forum of Directors General, chaired by the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe and coordinated by Pierre Michel Brunache, Secretary General of the Primature was held Tuesday at the Karibe Convention Center, in the presence of the Directors General, of Ministers and Departmental Delegates.

In his speech Mr. Pierre Michel Brunach declared "I am very happy to organize the first Forum of Directors General whose you are all today the privileged witnesses. Let me remind you the legal and institutional context, of this important forum. The decree of 17 May 2005 established in Article 98, a collegial body called the Forum of Directors General bringing together, at the initiative of the Council of Ministers, the Director Generals of Ministries, services technically decentralized and autonomous bodies attached to them [...]

This forum today reflects the political will of the Executive to seek coherence and the harmony necessary for the implementation of Government policy and to meet all the needs of the population. It also wants to be of mobilization of executives of the Central Administration of the State and of appropriation of actions of government.

This is finally a tool to ensure synergy between the various public institutions. You are, ladies and gentlemen General Directors an essential lever, able to relay to the 67.000 officials, the decisions of the Chief of State and those of the Government.

The President of the Republic, His Excellency Joseph Michel Martelly, took a solemn undertaking to direct otherwise the destinies of country, aware that the traditional management practices of the 'Res Publica' become antiquated and inefficient, did not produce the improvement of living conditions of the population, we must change of paradigm, change the manner to do..."

The Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe declared in his speech "[...] The Government Martelly-Lamothe wants to fulfill its promises, and to be able to fulfill its promises, we have the vision. But the landing [of this vision] is in the hands of all who are in this room today.

We talk about change, we promote change, but the reality is that change begins and ends with you who are here today. [...] We decided to hold this first Forum of Directors General, because we understand the importance that Directors General have in the system, we understand the value that each Director General [...] we understand that you are working in conditions that are sometimes difficult. We ask you all to give the best of yourself, understand the historical responsibility that you have.

[...] You have 10 million, more 4 million people [the diaspora] who want that the conditions of life change starting from your actions, from your examples, of your actions, starting from the will that we have to change the system.

For change to be effective, there must be a coordination in government actions. Myself, as General Coordinator of Government action, I must make sure that I have a coordination and a symmetry in the action of the General Directorate, for the dream, that President Martelly gives people, could land, [...]

We're here because we recognize that the bureaucracy can be a slowdown to the desire that people have to see the change. Bureaucracy can be a slow, that makes the change does not happen. That's why you're all here... [...] For the change to happen, change must begin with you, in your mindset, in how you approach problems, in the services that you give to the population... [...] All things begin with you.

The Government promised results and the results starts from the moment we enter in your offices, until the exit. It is necessary that every action, every decision you make, is in the interest of the Haitian people..."

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