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Haiti - Education : Inauguration the Centre of Information and Documentation of Port
06/09/2012 13:11:20

Haiti - Education : Inauguration the Centre of Information and Documentation of Port
Alix Célestin, the Director General of the National Port Authority (APN) in the presence of Mrs. Marie Carmelle Jean-Marie, Minister of Economy and Finance, the President of the Maritime Association of Haiti (AMAH), the president of the union the APN and personalities of Maritime and Navigation Service of Haiti (SEMANAH), has recently launched in Port-au-Prince, the Centre of Information and Documentation of Port (Centre d'Information et de Documentation Portuaire - CIDOP).

Former Technical Director of the APN, Alix Célestin, who knows the challenges and problems of the maritime and port sectors considers that "this center is a first in the annals of the history of ports in Haiti." and it is essential for the APN to have such a tool to help it to achieve its goals.

Equipped with several computers connected to the Internet, this library, which can accommodate more than a dozen users simultaneously, contains thousands of books written by national and foreign authors. According Rodolph Bertrand, Head of CIDOP, despite a lack of means, the Centre will continue over time, to acquire other works to better meet the expectations of users.

The objectives of CIDOP open to all sectors [including the public] seek primarily to provide an adequate framework in terms of documentation, to the students [among other in maritime law], to the professionals and academics interested by the port and maritime trades.

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