Haiti - Agriculture : $358.000 for the irrigation of the plain of Gonaïves - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - Agriculture : $358.000 for the irrigation of the plain of Gonaïves
16/03/2013 13:25:14

Haiti - Agriculture : $358.000 for the irrigation of the plain of Gonaïves
The Embassy of Japan and representatives of three organizations departments of Artibonite and of Centre : the "Fédération des Planteurs Irrigants de la Plaine de Gonaïves" (FEPIPGO), the "Association des irrigants de la Zone 4" (AIZ4), and the Technical School of Agriculture of Sainte-Thérèse de Papaye, have signed this week three grant agreements totaling just over $358.000.

This assistance from Japan, fall within the framework of the "Assistance in the form of donations to local microprojects" (APL) and will allow : the rehabilitation of the irrigation system Bongris (Gonaïves) [$123,126] ; the reconstruction of the water catchment of Sainte-Cécile (Gonaïves) [$122.973] and the installation of an irrigation system on the farm of the Technical School of Agriculture of Sainte-Thérèse de Papaye (Hinche) [$112,125]

These 3 projects, once completed, will allow the irrigation of 603 hectares of agricultural land in the plain of Gonaïves.

Kenji Kuratomi, Chargé d'affaires ai of the Embassy of Japan, invited the beneficiaries to ensure the proper management of these funds, and expressed hope that the structures rehabilitated and installed, are maintained regularly.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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