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Haiti - Tourism : Important follow-up meeting on the Markets of Jacmel
22/09/2013 12:18:23

Haiti - Tourism : Important follow-up meeting on the Markets of Jacmel
This week, as part of the revitalization of the historic center of Jacmel, the Tourism Directorate of Southeast met with key stakeholders of the new market of Jacmel in Beaudouin and followed up on the renovation project of iron market of Jacmel.

Progress of the new market of Beaudouin:
The new market located in Beaudouin, will have running water in every pavilion, a traffic service, toilets (male and female), a cafeteria, security guards, an emergency service and of first aid and most importantly, deposits with key.

On the agenda of the meeting :

- The market access road is under construction, an advance of 30% was made for the start to the consortium "Amaca Disponsa Constructor" who worked beyond the sum advanced and expect soon a payment of 40% for the rest of the works ;

- The transfer process of occupants of iron market towards the new market will be coordinated with the Association of Merchant ;

- The various committees on security, sanitation, traffic, payment of taxes.

It was aggreed at this meeting that December 14 is the date for the inauguration of the new market of Jacmel.

Renovation of iron market of Jacmel :
Immediately after the installation of the merchants at market of Beaudouin, it will be necessary to restore that of Bel-Air, because since the administration of former Mayor Edwin Zenny to the Town Hall of Jacmel, the Digicel Foundation, wanted to make a concrete action to restore the iron market. ISPAN has already completed the complete architectural survey of the Market, by Jean-Christophe Grosso, specialist structural iron and cast of the nineteenth century, delegated by the Belgian firm Noria and contracted by JB Millet Architects office, responsible for the architectural study of the restoration project. The engineer Grosso was assisted for this survey by the young students of the Workshop-School of Restoration of Jacmel (project ISPAN/ MCC/AECID), who took advantage of his experience. Mr. Grosso has also established the health outcomes of the building and designed the methodology of the restoration project. Digicel expects the update of project to follow up.

New function of the iron market, market of dry goods, art and crafts with windows of processed products and other subdivisions.

Attended the meeting : Alexis Reynold, Departmental Director of the Southeast, Office of Planning and External Cooperation ; Mrs. Saint Paul Magdala, Coordinator of the construction site Technical Office of the historical center (BTCH / MDT) ; Pierre Evens, of the Institute for the Protection of National Heritage (ISPAN) ; Baptiste Claudy, Small Merchants Association of South-East (ADPMSE) ; Mrs. Thomas Viviane, of the company Digicel ; Craan Michaëlle, Ministry of Tourism ; Paul Hugues, Mayor of Jacmel ; Lafontant Pierre -Michel, Delegate Southeast ; Mrs. Raton Dithny Joan, Departmental Director of Tourism South East and Gilles Jean-Elie, Director of the Public University Southeast (UPSEJ).

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