Technology : Telecommunications, internet, alternative energies: solar, wind, electricity, water, news... |

Haiti - Technology : Official Launch of NUtv 17/08/2012 11:27:42 |
During a cocktail organized this Friday, August 17 at the Ritz Kinam, will be launched the services of the first digital terrestrial television company in Haiti : NUtv... |
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Haiti - Technology : Smart cards for medical services ? 26/07/2012 13:44:24 |
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is considering the implementation of smart cards, to « facilitate tracking and referral » in Haiti... |
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Haiti - Techology : Important visit for the Telecommunications Sector 22/07/2012 13:55:58 |
Following the Summit of the ITU in Panama, to which the President Michel Martelly attended around the theme "« Connect Americas » Dr. Hamadoun Toure, ITU Secretary-General, is arrived Friday in Haiti for a visit of 48 hours... |
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Haiti - Telecommunication : Migration from analogue to digital TV 11/07/2012 11:13:35 |
As part of the launch of the migration process from analogue to digital television in Haiti, the CONATEL is organizing a workshop on « the challenges of the transition from analogue to digital TV »... |
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Haiti - Technology : CONATEL and Mayors gathered around ICTs 18/06/2012 09:34:46 |
This Monday, June 18, 2012 the CONATEL is organizing a "Workshop Territorial Collectivities' of presentation and of exchange with the mayors, on the needs and opportunities of Territorial Collectivities, of ICTs... |
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Haiti - Technology : Inauguration of an Atmospheric Water Generator in Fort-Liberté 16/06/2012 09:55:37 |
Friday, Me Thierry Mayard-Paul, the Minister of Interior, has inaugurated to the St. Joseph Hospital in Fort-Liberte a new equipment capable of producing pure water from the air... |
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Haiti - Energy : Electrification of the municipality of Fleuranceau 10/06/2012 09:05:32 |
Electrification work in the remote town of Fleuranceau, 6th communal section of Saint Marc will allow to connect 1.500 houses to the public grid... |
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Haiti - Technology : SELF has successfully completed its solar project 01/06/2012 12:34:04 |
The Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF), announced Thursday the successful installation of solar electric systems at 11 health care facilities and one hospital along the southwest coast of Haiti... |
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Haiti - Energy : 12 Health Centers of Southwest, solar powered 09/05/2012 10:42:37 |
12 health centers, of the region southwest of Haiti, are now powered by solar energy thanks to the initiative of the Government of Haiti, the financing of the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB)... |
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Haiti - Telecommunication : Dismantling of a network diverting international calls 03/05/2012 13:20:40 |
Yesterday Wednesday, during a press conference held at the police station of Port-au-Prince, the lawyer of the National Council of Telecommunications, Me Jean Pierre Larrio, explained that the unit... |
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