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iciHaiti - Delmas 30 : 2 bandits fatally injured, police uniforms recovered

iciHaiti - NOTICE : PAP Fire Department, 30 candidates invited to continue the selection process (list)

iciHaiti - Qatar 2025 : Return to the country of our stadium heroes (video)

iciHaiti - World Ski Championship : Congratulations from the Minister of Sports

iciHaiti - Politic : 6 new promotions at the Ministry of the Environment

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Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - NOTICE : New certificate for business names and online registration application

Haiti - Commerce and Industry : Minister Monazard unveils the main points of his 2024-2025 action plan

Haiti - Economy : «The war budget» orally only

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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Agriculture : Culture, livestock, fisheries, seeds, GMO, crops, import-export, market, news...

Haiti - Agriculture : USAID launches the Boost Livestock Profitability activity
Haiti - Agriculture : USAID launches the Boost Livestock Profitability activity
13/02/2023 09:16:58
The U.S. Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has launched the Boost Livestock Profitability activity called « Programme d'Appui à la Rentabilisation de l'Elevage » (PARE)...
Haïti - Agriculture : $50M de la Banque Mondiale pour améliorer les systèmes de production alimentaire
Haïti - Agriculture : $50M de la Banque Mondiale pour améliorer les systèmes de production alimentaire
10/02/2023 08:45:53
The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved on Monday additional financing of US$50 million for the Emergency Resilient Agriculture for Food Security Project (PARSA) in Haiti...
Haiti - Agriculture : Installation of the Ministerial Commission for Public Procurement
Haiti - Agriculture : Installation of the Ministerial Commission for Public Procurement
20/01/2023 09:15:10
In the presence of Charlot BREDY Minister of Agriculture, Branly EUGENE the Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture, proceeded this week to the installation of the Ministerial Commission for Public Procurement...
Haiti - Dominican Rep. : Egg export to Haiti suspended, flour authorized again
Haiti - Dominican Rep. : Egg export to Haiti suspended, flour authorized again
06/01/2023 09:20:02
The Dominican Government has decided to temporarily suspend the export of eggs to Haiti and other markets...
Haiti - Agriculture : The aquaponics project is progressing in its implementation in Kenskoff
Haiti - Agriculture : The aquaponics project is progressing in its implementation in Kenskoff
14/12/2022 09:39:00
A group of 10 technicians from the organization Haitian Solidarity for Rural Development of Kenscoff participated in Phase I of the Training Plan on the implementation of aquaponic systems, carried out as part of the AQUHAÏTI project...
Haiti - Agro-industry : Haiti and the DR together at the Salon international du Chocolat 2022
Haiti - Agro-industry : Haiti and the DR together at the Salon international du Chocolat 2022
20/11/2022 09:42:41
Haiti and the Dominican Republic participated in Paris alongside more than 200 exhibitors at the Salon international du Chocolat 2022, the largest event dedicated to the chocolate industry...
Haiti - FLASH Agro-Industry : The poultry company Jamaica Broilers (Le Chic Poulet) leaves Haiti
Haiti - FLASH Agro-Industry : The poultry company Jamaica Broilers (Le Chic Poulet) leaves Haiti
06/11/2022 08:49:29
Ian Parsard, Senior Vice President of Jamaica Broilers Group (JBG) Limited announces the closure of the businesses, Haiti Broilers SA and its Haitian subsidiary T&S Rice SA, which were involved in the production and sale of...
Haiti - Agriculture : Export of mangoes to the USA suspended
Haiti - Agriculture : Export of mangoes to the USA suspended
25/10/2022 09:25:20
The United States Department of Agriculture, in correspondence addressed to the National Association of Mango Exporters, advises that APHIS inspectors are on indefinite leave, unable to guarantee the safety of its employees...
Haiti - Agriculture : Food Security Outlook in Haiti until January 2023
Haiti - Agriculture : Food Security Outlook in Haiti until January 2023
11/09/2022 10:15:15
In the latest Update of its bulletin on Food Security Outlook in Haiti, the International Organization FEWS NET, the international famine early warning network, reports that since July...
Haiti - Agriculture : The export of Francisque mangoes lower by 48% compared to 2021
Haiti - Agriculture : The export of Francisque mangoes lower by 48% compared to 2021
02/09/2022 11:01:19
Mango volumes from Haiti, one of the leading producers of Francisque mangoes in the Caribbean and Central America, are expected to be 48% lower than last year...

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