Haiti - Northeast : The Minister suspends the management and teaching permits of a School Director - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Northeast : The Minister suspends the management and teaching permits of a School Director
03/05/2024 10:58:10

Haiti - Northeast : The Minister suspends the management and teaching permits of a School Director
Nesmy Manigat, the resigning Minister of National Education (MENFP) informs the public in general and members of the educational community in particular, that he has decided to suspend the Management License and the Teaching License of Anebert Joseph , the Director of the Béthel Béthesda National School (North-East), following the serious violence he committed against a child at his school.

The Minister took action following a report from the North East Department of Education confirming serious violence committed against a child inside the school on April 22, 2024.

"The behavior of this Director does not respect any principle linked to the school, nor the legal rules prohibiting physical harassment inside schools," specifies the Ministry which indicates that it will take other administrative measures after the report of the general education inspectorate which will deepen the investigation.

Nesmy Mangat also took steps to provide this student with the psychological support necessary to avoid any damage to his academic career.

The Minister reminds and asks all school principals to respect the right of all children to learn without violence at school.

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