Economy : Budget, taxes, investments, banking, commerce, industry, import-export, loans, news... |

Haiti - Economy : Jean Philippe Vixamar succeeds to Guiteau Toussaint 20/07/2011 15:23:13 |
...Michel Martelly proceeded yesterday Tuesday, to the renewal of the Board of the Banque Nationale de Credit (BNC) and to the appointment of Vice-President Jean Philippe Vixamar... |
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Haiti - Economy : 80% of the poorest families in Port-au-Prince are indebted 18/07/2011 16:27:53 |
80% of households living below the poverty line in Port-au-Prince and 94 % of households in rural areas affected by... |
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Haiti - Economy : The U.S. Embassy in Haiti is interested in the coffee sector 14/07/2011 14:45:16 |
The staff of the Economic Section of the American Embassy in Haiti recently visited the Cooperative of Coffee Growers of the Borough of Belle-Anse (COOPCAB) located in Thiotte [Southeast]... |
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Haiti - Economy : Haiti is a country of opportunities 08/07/2011 12:52:23 |
It was during the Nueva Economía Fórum that The President Michel Martelly gave his most striking speech, repeatedly interrupted by many applause from the audience. He spoke for a long time of the needs of Haiti... |
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Haiti - Economy : The projet «Kay pam» increases from 30 million to 500 million gourds 08/07/2011 11:16:09 |
The projet Kay pam will finally be officially launched on Friday, July 22, had announced last Saturday the President Michel Martelly... |
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Haiti - Economy : Martelly invites the private sector to better support the efforts of the State 07/07/2011 12:54:55 |
...the Head of State has called for a good coherence between the actors in the public and the private sector. He invites them to see him as a reliable partner... |
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Haiti - Economy : Visit of Martelly in Spain, a fund of $50MM 07/07/2011 10:29:34 |
Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, announced Thursday that Spain will create a fund of 50 million dollars to help the Haitian financial institutions to... |
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Haiti - Travel : Flights between the Turks and Caicos Islands - Port-au-Prince - Cap Haitien 05/07/2011 13:55:55 |
A new airline is preparing to offer flights, among others, between the Turks and Caicos Islands and Port-au-Prince, and Cap Haitien. Currently Skycruiser Airways... |
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Haiti - Economy : Big European Tour for President Martelly 04/07/2011 15:38:56 |
The President Michel Martelly, will leave Haiti, Wednesday, July 6, 2011, for a European tour of 10 days, he will visit, among others, the Spain, France, Belgium and Great Britain... |
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Haiti - Economy : 2nd round of negotiations between the Haitian and Dominican companies 04/07/2011 14:37:40 |
The Dominican Center for Science and Technology (CEDOTEC) and HOPE a group of small and medium Haitian enterprises, will hold from July 5 to 8 a second round of negotiations in the city of Cap Haitien and Plaisance... |
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