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iciHaiti - Justice : Independent human rights expert visits the OPC

iciHaiti - Ultimatum : Obligation to label all prepackaged products

iciHaiti - Feminist : «Political Framework for an Effective and Equitable Transition»

iciHaiti - Insecurity : Odious assassination of Jean Dramane Simon, executive of the Ministry...

iciHaiti - Health : Establishment of a Blood Bank for the PNH

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Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Education : Training of trainers for the 4 new subjects of the 3rd cycle of fundamental education

Haiti - Corruption : Towards the protection of whistleblowers

Haiti - FLASH : The death toll rises, 79 victims including 26 dead

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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Economy : Budget, taxes, investments, banking, commerce, industry, import-export, loans, news...

Haiti - Economy : Board members of the BNC evaluated by a Senate Committee
Haiti - Economy : Board members of the BNC evaluated by a Senate Committee
07/08/2011 13:10:17
The President of the Commission, stressed the need to assess the ability of this new team, explaining that the members of the Board shall, during these hearings, demonstrate their management skills...
Haiti - Economy : $11 million for micro, small and medium-size enterprises
Haiti - Economy : $11 million for micro, small and medium-size enterprises
04/08/2011 10:46:42
By some estimates there are some 10,000 small and medium-size businesses with more than 10 and fewer than 100 employees in Haiti. Microenterprises, which employ fewer than 10 workers, number about 375,000...
Haiti - Economy : $850,000 to help women micro-entrepreneurs
Haiti - Economy : $850,000 to help women micro-entrepreneurs
02/08/2011 12:56:21
The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund continues to nurture economic opportunities for Haiti, today announcing a grant to a unique Haitian microfinance institution. The $850,000 grant to Fonds Haïtien d'Aide à la Femme (FHAF) will help put this institution...
Haiti - Economy : Suggestions of the Dominican tourism operators
Haiti - Economy : Suggestions of the Dominican tourism operators
31/07/2011 12:26:05
The dominican tourism professionals, indicated that the objective of increasing the number of Dominicans tourists in Haiti, requires a certain number of preconditions which include: the simplification of...
Haiti - Economy : 22 million tourists visit the Caribbean, 300,000 in Haiti...
Haiti - Economy : 22 million tourists visit the Caribbean, 300,000 in Haiti...
28/07/2011 13:47:54
As part of the tour of the Head of State on the theme of tourism, the President Martelly met this week in Petion-Ville, the operators of six hotels of the Côte des Arcadins which propose 452 rooms on 15 kilometers of beach...
Haiti - Economy : Inflation in the country, approaching 10%
Haiti - Economy : Inflation in the country, approaching 10%
27/07/2011 09:39:55
...the prices of basic foodstuffs remain high in July and all suggests that they will not fall over the coming months...
Haiti - Economy : $55 MM for the Northern Industrial Park
Haiti - Economy : $55 MM for the Northern Industrial Park
26/07/2011 15:42:04
The park will be located on a 250-hectare site near the town of Caracol, between the cities of Cap Haitien and Ouanaminthe. IDB resources will finance several investments within the perimeter of the park, such as factory buildings, internal roads, water...
Haiti - Economy : Open letter from the Association of Industries of Haiti
Haiti - Economy : Open letter from the Association of Industries of Haiti
25/07/2011 12:19:00
The Association of Industries of Haiti (ADIH) expresses, in an open letter addressed to the Government, its concerns about the political deadlock in which is plunged our country...
Haiti - Economy : Micro-insurance for micro-credit
Haiti - Economy : Micro-insurance for micro-credit
24/07/2011 11:53:33
The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is to establish a multi-donor trust fund to support the establishment of a micro-insurance, which aims to provide parametric insurance to protect micro-credit borrowers in Haiti against losses resulting from...
Haiti - Economy : Preparation of the municipal budgets
Haiti - Economy : Preparation of the municipal budgets
24/07/2011 10:24:29
From July 25 to August 26, 2011, the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Collectivities (MICT) together with the Civil Affairs Section of the Minustah will begin the visit of municipalities across the country to assess and analyze the...

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