Security : Justice, police, army, training, news... |

Haiti - Security : One hundred solar street lights installed in Raboteau 19/02/2014 12:20:50 |
Tuesday, less than 2 weeks before the holding of National Carnival in the city of Gonaives, the section CVR of the Minustah, in partnership with local authorities, the Ministry of Public Works and the PNH, proceeded to the inauguration of a lighting... |
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Haiti - Security : Sunrise Airways compliant with new Safety Standards 18/02/2014 08:54:02 |
Sunrise Airways, Haiti’s newest homegrown airline, is speaking out in support of new, more stringent safety standards recently adopted by the Office National de l’Aviation Civile (OFNAC) of Haiti and the Instituto Dominicano de Aviacion Civil (IDAC)... |
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Haiti - Security : 18th anniversary of CIMO and a new HQ under construction 15/02/2014 08:54:48 |
The President Michel Martelly, participated in the ceremony to celebrate the 18th anniversary of the Corps of Intervention and Maintenance of Order (CIMO) in the presence of the Chief Executive and members of the command of the PNH... |
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Haiti - Security : Words of Sympathy from the Minister Delegate in Charge of Human Rights 10/02/2014 08:09:07 |
The Office of the Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister Responsible for Human Rights and the Fight against Extreme Poverty (Mme Marie Carmelle Rose Anne Auguste), vehemently condemns... |
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Haiti - Security : Bilateral agreement to combat trafficking at the border 07/02/2014 09:08:59 |
As part of the second binational high-level meeting held on Monday, February 3 at Jimani, Godson Orélus, the Director General of the National Police of Haiti and Major General Julio Cesar Souffront Velasquez... |
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Haiti - Security : What the U.S. intelligence say about Haiti 06/02/2014 09:49:58 |
In a report released late January, James R. Clapper, Director of the U.S. National Intelligence Agency, has devoted a few lines about the situation in Haiti... |
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Haiti - Security : Emergency landing of a Cessna Super Skymaster in Cabaret 31/01/2014 05:45:49 |
Haitian police reported on Thursday that a small plane registered N434 departing from Pompano Beach Airpark, Pompano Beach, FL for the airport of Port-au-Prince... |
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Haiti - Security : Bike Patrol, a new course at the Police Training School 19/01/2014 10:18:47 |
7 months after the first release of the Community Bike Brigade, a unit of the PNH, gthe satisfactory results on the ground, the initiators of this brigade proposed to the responsible of the National School of Police (ENP) to train instructors... |
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Haiti - Security : False rumor, true wounded, the Minister Basile reassures 19/01/2014 08:33:29 |
Following a rough sea in Thursday night on the shores of Northwest department, a rumor created early Friday morning, a panic in the population in Saint Louis du Nord and Port-de-Paix... |
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Haiti - Security : The United States boost the response capacity of Haiti 17/01/2014 10:19:48 |
Thursday, the response capabilities in the event of major natural events in Haiti were boosted after the U.S. Ambassador Pamela White and officials from the Embassy of the United States donated... |
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